30 Days Plants Only?

Everyone knows we should eat more fruits and vegetables for good health. Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, fiber are all abundant in whole plant foods and we all need more of these!!! Even as a chef, I find it hard to get enought plants in my diet. Why is that? Is it because plants need more prep? Or is it because plant dishes are not as filling and satisfying as meat and fish forward dishes? Or perhaps I am just accustomed to the traditional American plate with protein as the center and the plants as an after thought.

I am challenging myself for the next 30 days to eat a whole foods (no manufactured foods), plant based diet. My goal is to learn how to make easy to prepare, tasty and satisfying dishes. During this journey I will log what I am making and most important how my diet will make me feel. How will this affect my energy level, my sleep, etc…. I am logging the foods I eat to see what the macro ratios are and how many calories I am eating, but for this month I am not limiting my calories. I want to experiment to see how satiating this plan is. I will, however, shoot to reach my protein levels each day. More on protein in the next article!


15 Days In


Plant Forward Eating